David Carver
2011-12-01 16:14:32 UTC
Including the dash-dev on this as well.
Al Blue setup the current layout, but I agree that it probably needs to
be restructured. Input into making maven.eclipse.org more useful is
I also would have liked to see the Nexus Pro free license accepted that
Sonatype had originally offered to the foundation. The staging support
is something that is definitely needed.
Al Blue setup the current layout, but I agree that it probably needs to
be restructured. Input into making maven.eclipse.org more useful is
I also would have liked to see the Nexus Pro free license accepted that
Sonatype had originally offered to the foundation. The staging support
is something that is definitely needed.
In my opinion that was largely torpedo'd when the foundation didn't
take offer for the professional nexus version that has staging
support. For example, there is no way I would take jetty deployments
away from the oss.sonatype.org <http://oss.sonatype.org> setup and
move to maven.eclipse.org <http://maven.eclipse.org>, the staging
support has uncovered far too many issues on release to leave it and
run the risk involved with using the maven.eclipse.org
<http://maven.eclipse.org> setup as it currently stands. That and
there is no sync to central that I know about setup for it.
Also the layout of the maven.eclipse.org <http://maven.eclipse.org> is
confusing at best with its usage of indigo, helios, juno, nightly,
integration, milestone, etc etc...dave and I talked through it a
number of times and my understanding is something forced him to setup
as it is...and its current setup really isn't conducive to
contribution. I have the maven signing plugin in there and its a
nightmare to figure out where it deploys snapshots and releases to.
So in summary I have looked and helped a bit with dash but my
understanding is there are too many outside restrictions regarding the
layout getting imposed on it from orbit to make it generally useful,
much less have it sync to central.
I'll catch up with dave on it again and see if anything has changed
jesse mcconnell
maven.eclipse.org <http://maven.eclipse.org>
Making Orbit bundles available was one of their targets.
I'm not sure how far along they are. They would most likely
welcome the help in making this real.
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
EclipseCon 2012 <http://www.eclipsecon.org/2012>
orbit-dev mailing list
orbit-dev mailing list
take offer for the professional nexus version that has staging
support. For example, there is no way I would take jetty deployments
away from the oss.sonatype.org <http://oss.sonatype.org> setup and
move to maven.eclipse.org <http://maven.eclipse.org>, the staging
support has uncovered far too many issues on release to leave it and
run the risk involved with using the maven.eclipse.org
<http://maven.eclipse.org> setup as it currently stands. That and
there is no sync to central that I know about setup for it.
Also the layout of the maven.eclipse.org <http://maven.eclipse.org> is
confusing at best with its usage of indigo, helios, juno, nightly,
integration, milestone, etc etc...dave and I talked through it a
number of times and my understanding is something forced him to setup
as it is...and its current setup really isn't conducive to
contribution. I have the maven signing plugin in there and its a
nightmare to figure out where it deploys snapshots and releases to.
So in summary I have looked and helped a bit with dash but my
understanding is there are too many outside restrictions regarding the
layout getting imposed on it from orbit to make it generally useful,
much less have it sync to central.
I'll catch up with dave on it again and see if anything has changed
jesse mcconnell
maven.eclipse.org <http://maven.eclipse.org>
Making Orbit bundles available was one of their targets.
I'm not sure how far along they are. They would most likely
welcome the help in making this real.
Since we (jetty) have been putting more efforts into getting the
jsp reference implementation into orbit in a generally usable
fashion (its sadly had a few glassfish specific things creep in
we have had to patch and take up with them) we have tried to
align our usage with the bundles in orbit. however since can't
rely on orbit being durable at all, the artifacts inside can
change their versions, or the link to the actual orbit
repositories change on a whim we long ago stopped trying to
consume directory out of orbit for our maven builds, opting
instead to put the limited number of objects we require into a
special directory on downloads.eclipse.org
<http://downloads.eclipse.org> under out jetty project and
reference those directly for building out distributions.....
Which leads me to the issue we now face, of getting the jsp
bundles we produced in orbit as a maven dependency for our
jetty-maven-plugin which is hosted out of our codehaus git
repository. It _needs_ be to able to address this jsp bundle with
maven coordinates so I am going to start putting our orbit
bundles into maven central for jetty. This is a flat out
requirement for us now...our prior solution isn't acceptable any
longer now that we have our maven plugin needing to reference
this bundle. my intent at this point is to stuff our orbit
bundles under org.mortbay.jetty.jsp.orbit, or perhaps
org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:artifactId. Ehile it would be nicer if I
put them under org.eclipse.orbit....I suspect there might be some
heartburn if I went and tried that :) So, does anyone have any
plans they want to share on how they handle this situation? I
know there have been countless discussions on this topic on
countless bugs in bugzilla, I have participated in a few of
them...but at this point we just can't wait anymore and are going
to put in a patchwork solution for the time being. So its clear,
even if orbit were to produce both p2 and maven repositories of
their content (which I believe people have said is doable) we
would still require that those maven repositories be synced to
maven central. cheers, jesse -- jesse mcconnell
orbit-dev mailing list
--jsp reference implementation into orbit in a generally usable
fashion (its sadly had a few glassfish specific things creep in
we have had to patch and take up with them) we have tried to
align our usage with the bundles in orbit. however since can't
rely on orbit being durable at all, the artifacts inside can
change their versions, or the link to the actual orbit
repositories change on a whim we long ago stopped trying to
consume directory out of orbit for our maven builds, opting
instead to put the limited number of objects we require into a
special directory on downloads.eclipse.org
<http://downloads.eclipse.org> under out jetty project and
reference those directly for building out distributions.....
Which leads me to the issue we now face, of getting the jsp
bundles we produced in orbit as a maven dependency for our
jetty-maven-plugin which is hosted out of our codehaus git
repository. It _needs_ be to able to address this jsp bundle with
maven coordinates so I am going to start putting our orbit
bundles into maven central for jetty. This is a flat out
requirement for us now...our prior solution isn't acceptable any
longer now that we have our maven plugin needing to reference
this bundle. my intent at this point is to stuff our orbit
bundles under org.mortbay.jetty.jsp.orbit, or perhaps
org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:artifactId. Ehile it would be nicer if I
put them under org.eclipse.orbit....I suspect there might be some
heartburn if I went and tried that :) So, does anyone have any
plans they want to share on how they handle this situation? I
know there have been countless discussions on this topic on
countless bugs in bugzilla, I have participated in a few of
them...but at this point we just can't wait anymore and are going
to put in a patchwork solution for the time being. So its clear,
even if orbit were to produce both p2 and maven repositories of
their content (which I believe people have said is doable) we
would still require that those maven repositories be synced to
maven central. cheers, jesse -- jesse mcconnell
orbit-dev mailing list
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
EclipseCon 2012 <http://www.eclipsecon.org/2012>
orbit-dev mailing list
orbit-dev mailing list